Exterior Cleaning Unlimited Soft Wash Entryway

Cleaning Tips To Keep Your House Looking Like You Have A Housekeeper

We have all been there. The phone rings, a family member has decided to surprise you with a visit, and they will be there in about an hour.
Exterior Cleaning Unlimited Family Visit

If you’re like 80% of us, panic-cleaning ensues; not to mention the time you will need to make yourself presentable! It doesn’t always have to be that way. There are tricks savvy home dwellers use which we will share with you to make your visitors think you employ the services of a housekeeper.

Online blogging experts instruct you to start where you and your guests will be spending most of the visit…living room, kitchen and bathroom. Sure, this is a good start, but what about first impressions? If you keep up with exterior maintenance, any flaws inside would be considered “lived-in” and automatically give you some grace. Look at the exterior and entryway/front porch. Are there cobwebs? Does it need to be swept? Do the walls look dirty and dingy? Is there any dreaded Florida stucco/siding mold or mildew? When pressure washing companies like Exterior Cleaning Unlimited set you up on a low-cost maintenance plan to soft-wash the exterior of your home, it makes visitors green with envy when they see how meticulously clean the area looks, and your first impression will score brownie points before they enter the living area.

What’s the first thing everyone notices when entering your home? The smell. Garbage, pets, dinner, etc. can be the source of daunting odors. Plug-ins and candles will help mask it, but a true clean always smells better.

The second thing? Clutter. No matter how bad we try, kids and tired adults will leave shoes, toys, book bags, etc everywhere, and how big is the pile on the counter going to get? Our quick tips will help you with all that mess!

Now for the bathroom. It’s not as bad as you think it is! The tips below will allow you to notice how easy it is to maintain a quick clean and leave the deep-clean for “cleaning day” only (even if you have three boys, Mom!).

Exterior Cleaning Unlimited House Cleaning
    • Keep these three items on-hand: a laundry basket, sanitary wipes and glass cleaner.
    • When you are using the bathroom, take 3 min and wipe the counter, sink and faucet with sanitary wipes.
    • Call Exterior Cleaning Unlimited to schedule an exterior soft wash and request regularly scheduled maintenance
    • When talking on the phone, most people pace. Make good use of those bluetooth earbuds, go hands-free and grab the glass cleaner! Wash the bathroom mirror or front door glass. Show some love to the kitchen counters and appliances with sanitary wipes while you chat.
    • Instead of picking up four different items that go into four different rooms, keep a laundry basket nearby to toss random items in which need to be taken to other areas of the house. This way you can drop things off as you carry the basket out of the room once or twice a week.
    • These little things give your guest the appearance of cleanliness, but on “cleaning day”, you already have most of the area clutter free, which cuts down cleaning time. Less cleaning time means more free time…leaving you more time to do your own surprise visit to family and friends, and it all starts with a professional quality exterior soft wash from Exterior Cleaning Unlimited. Contact us today to keep your home happy, healthy, and beautiful, because you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

We offer the highest-quality pressure washing and exterior cleaning services to homes, horse farms and businesses!

We hope to be able to serve you and show you why Exterior Cleaning Unlimited should be your go to for all your Exterior Cleaning and Pressure Washing needs in Ocala, Gainesville, Williston, Dunnellon, Crystal River and The Villages.